Changes to the CWC blog...

Ahoy there readers! I've some news for you today about some exciting changes we are making to the CWC blog.
1. Our new blog columnists start this week!
You may have seen my call out for blog contributors a few weeks ago, and I was thrilled to receive many excellent applications (almost 60 in total!). From there, while it was a tough job, I wittled the list down to 13 ladies from a variety of different creative backgrounds who will contribute regularly to our little on line hub.
So from this week onward, once a month, the blog will feature a post from each lady. There will be posts about women in film, creative women from history, sustainable/eco-friendly creative practice, stress management, what's new in social media, women in the world, the tools of various creative trades, and women in art; as well as book reviews, organisational tips & tricks, studio & shop sneak peeks, interviews, and content from Sydney and other Australian cities in addition to Melbourne.
Not to mention some special guest posts now and then by other fab femmes.
It's going to make for some great reading. But it does mean that...
2. For a while, we'll be taking a break from posting regular profiles, member news and weekly round-ups.
These will return in slightly different formats later in the year. But all of the past posts will remain on the blog, so have a look through our archives if you need a fix.
3. In the next couple of weeks, we'll upgrading the blog and moving it to a new platform...
...And will be announcing some super-duper extra features and resources that I think you will really like. So, if you visit one day and find the site offline, that probably means it's flying through a series of tubes from one hosty place to another (or something technical like that). But, it will return, better than ever.
Until then, look out for our first CWC columnist post on Wednesday. Hurrah!