Eco-Friendly Creative Practice: Supercyclers
By Phoebe Miller I'm interrupting this month's regular Eco-Friendly Creative Practice interview programming to highlight a very worthy event in the world of local sustainable design: the Supercyclers exhibition currently running in Sydney.
I'm sure many of you are no strangers to their work. Supercyclers are an ever growing international collective of designers who take waste materials and transform them into very beautiful, and often highly useful new products.
After successfully leveraging a campaign on the local crowd funding site Pozible, Sarah King - one of the original Supercyclers - took an exhibition of new supercycling work to The Other Hemisphere at Milan Design Week. The "Supercycle Our Souls" exhibition is now back on home shores and available for your viewing pleasure in Sydney.
In honour of the event, and to make up for not being in Sydney to see it myself, I thought it would be fitting to highlight the work the local creative ladies that are part of this exciting exhibition.
Plastic Fantastic Transparent Collection
Images via Supercyclers
As part of her own supercycling work Sarah K works with another sustainable design dynamo, Liane Rossler, as Plastic Fantastic. Their stunningly gorgeous ethereal looking creations are made from discarded single use plastic bags.
Quilt light by Tamara Maynes (photo by Andy Lewis)
Image via Supercyclers
Broken ceramic plates repaired with coloured glue by Tamara Maynes
(styled by Vanessa Colyer Tay, photo by Sam McAdam)
Image via Supercyclers
Tamara Maynes is something of a craft queen, with a tendency to re-use and see the beauty in the discarded. Her Quilt Lamp (pictured further above and right below), which is featured in the exhibition, is available as a downloadable template that can be made from any flat, stiff material.
Tamara Maynes Quilt Light made from recycled cardboard
Image via Supercyclers
I should note that supercyclers are an equal opportunity collective! ;) While we're all about awesomely talented ladies at the CWC, you can also check out what the supercyclin' boys are up to on the supercyclers website.
SOS (Supercycle Our Souls) runs until July 15 at Moore Park Supacentre. Venue details here.
Phoebe Miller is a Brisbane-bred, Sydney-fled, Melbourne-embedded gal who enjoys making, spruiking, collecting, exploring, telling her friends where to eat and posting photos of doors on instagram. After several years working in corporate marketing and communications, Phoebe followed the urge to explore her creative side. These days she divides her time between her sustainable fashion accessories label, Simply Phoebe, and freelance PR consulting.