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Join the CWC blogging team

join-our-blogging-team_530 For the last few years, we've been fortunate to have had a wonderful array of talented, creative ladies on our team as blog columnists. Writers, designers, organisation enthusiasts, professional bloggers, social media experts... The one common thread amongst our columnists - past and present - is their passion for sharing what they know with the wider creative community and their desire to meet lots of inspiring women and creative minds in the process. Their contributions have made the CWC website what it is - a rich and robust source of information and information for women in creative businesses. I can't thank them enough for the expertise they have shared and the time and thought they put in to their posts.

As we head into the second half of the year, we're on the lookout for a couple of new voices to add to the current blog contributor team, specifically to head up our 'How to' and 'Studio Visit' columns.

If you'd like to join our team and reach out to our community as a blog columnist, email Tess with a introductory email and links to your own blog/social media for more information and to start the conversation.